Porcelain Veneers

A porcelain veneer is a thin outer façade covering a tooth or teeth in the esthetic zone, typically from central incisors to canines. Veneers are excellent option when covering discolored, misaligned, cracked, or deteriorating front teeth where cosmetic bonding might not be feasible. It is a minimally prepared procedure and yet esthetically pleasing, that can also last a long time with proper care.


Crowns are often used to restore a tooth to its former beauty and functionality when a substantial amount of the original tooth structure has been lost due to breakage, decay, or a large old filling that has failed. Dr. Lee prefers to use all-porcelain or all-ceramic versions over those made with metal.  The all-ceramic version can be more aesthetic and will not develop an ugly black line at the gumline caused by the metal crowns visible margin. In addition, ceramic restorations can be made thinner thus requiring less tooth reduction. These restorations can be made to closely match natural teeth and will not stain or change color. Ceramics are more bio-compatible than most metals which may reduce the potential for gum recession and lead to a more long-term healthy result.

E-Max Ceramic Crowns

E-Max is Dr. Lee's new preferred ceramic system for anterior teeth. Patients who receive an E-Max ceramic crown will enjoy the benefits of having a true-to-nature shade that is both bio-compatible and durable with the long term wear characteristics like that of enamel. 

Zirconia Crowns

Zirconia, a high-strength ceramic, was recently introduced for dental use as a core material in conventional crowns. Zirconia is highly rated in terms of aesthetics and has several other advantages, including biocompatibility as it is metal free and has a low degree of bacterial adhesion, high flexural strength and acceptable optical properties, such as adaptation to the basic shades.